Kelewatan untuk memohon pindaan perintah bukanlah satu halangan untuk meminda perintah berkenaan dan Mahkamah mempunyai budi bicara untuk membenarkan permohonan tersebut.
Ini merujuk kepada kes Mahkamah Persekutuan Malaysian Banking Bhd V Gan Bee San & Ors and Another; Sks Foam (M) Sdn Bhd (Intervener) [2019] 1 CLJ 575:-
“[45] Nevertheless, lapse of time is not in itself a bar to an application to set aside an irregular order (see Muniandy (supra) at 384). Per Edgar Joseph Jr FCJ in Tuan Hj Ahmed Abdul Rahman (supra) at 253 (CLJ); 42 (MLJ):
Nevertheless, it is clear law that the court still retains a discretion to set aside an irregular judgment despite long delay, provided it is satisfied that:
(a) no one has suffered prejudice by reason of the defendant's delay;
(b) alternatively, where such prejudice has been sustained, it can be met by an appropriate order as to costs; or
(c) to let the judgment to stand would constitute oppression.”
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