Thursday, December 5, 2019

[517.19] Judiciary looking into proposal to use polygraph tests in court - Chief Justice

SANDAKAN, Oct 21 -- The existing laws such as the #Evidence Act 1950 need to be amended if there are proposals to use #polygraph tests in proving cases in courts.
Chief Justice Tan Sri Tengku #Maimun Tuan Mat said the judiciary never thought of using polygraph tests, but if there are suggestions on the matter, the first step is to look into the law on the process of getting evidence in court.
“I think, first of all, we have to look if it involves the provisions of existing laws, which have to be amended as the process of getting evidence in court now comes under the Evidence #Act 1950.
"If there is something new to be implemented in court involving the evidence of witnesses, of course we have to see if there is a need to amend the existing laws,” she told reporters during her visit to the Sandakan Court here today.

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