Mahkamah telah menolak konsep di mana bahawa bukti harus ditentukan samada boleh diterima atau tidak mengikut cara bukti tersebut diperolehi. Ianya bermakna di Malaysia jikalau bukti tersebut diperolehi secara “illegal”, Mahkamah tidak akan menolak bukti tersebut jika ianya boleh digunakan untuk mencapai keadilan. Prinsip ini boleh dilihat di dalam kes JONES V OWENS (1870) 34 JP 759 dimana Hakim menyatakan seperti berikut:-
Ini juga boleh dilihat di dalam kes Malaysia SAMINATHAN V PUBLIC PROSECUTOR [1936] 1 MLRH 84 dimana Aitken J menyatakan:-
“It seems to me that there is an overwhelming mass of authority for the proposition that the legality or illegality of a man's arrest does not concern the Court which is trying him. That Court is only concerned with the charge brought against him; he has his remedy for the illegal arrest elsewhere”
Merujuk kepada kes KURUMA V R 1995 AC 197 Lord Goddard menyatakan bahawa:-
“the test to be applied in considering whether the evidence is admissible is whether it is relevant to the matters in issue. If it is, it is admissible and the court is not concerned with how the evidence is obtained…”
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