Tuesday, September 18, 2018


"Unsurprisingly, he was arrested and ordered to be beheaded. The authorities however released him upon a final request from him to see his family.8 While the actual “bargain” with his captors remains unknown, Hussein was then placed in the Penang State Council, and his wife in the Nippon Penang Women’s Association under the lead of Mrs. Y. Tanaka.9 Later, his third son, Eusoffe, emerged as one of the brightest “Nippon-go” students, selected to be sent to Japan for further studies10 – an opportunity that ended abruptly following the Japanese surrender in 1945.
The interregnum between the Japanese surrender and the return of the British witnessed the execution of “Nippon” collaborators. Hussein and his family were spared this fate, and instead, the return of the British saw Hussein’s rise to further prominence. For one thing, he was appointed alongside Colonel H. S. Lee and Dr Ong Chong Keng to the Governor’s Advisory Committee to consider the qualifications appropriate for citizenship under the Malayan Union.11 This paved the way for his subsequent knighting in January 1948. He was the first Malayan Indian to so honoured.11"
When one speaks of the Abdoolcaders, most Malaysians are immediately reminded of the late Eusoffe Abdoolcader. One of the five Supreme Court judges sacked in the judicial crisis of 1988, Eusoffe was regarded to be the greatest judge the country had ever had – one similar to England’s Lord Dennin...

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